On Borgstromancy

Borgstromancy is the act of revealing setting information via game mechanics. So basically any mechanic which says something definitive about the world is Borgstromancy. For example: Ownership is a metaphysical quality of the universe of Creation. It is defined, in most cases, by the loyalty of the Least Gods of the object in question, whose …

Why Alchemicals Shouldn’t Have Bureaucracy Charms

See, the thing is that the point of making Alchemicals nothing without their nation-state is that they have to be ultimately subservient to it. If their nation-state is run by a bunch of fascist xenophobic assholes? Welp. You can protest that, but suddenly you’ll find your vats access curtailed and yourself assigned to shit assignments …

All content unless stated otherwise is ©2021 Chris McNeil. He can be contacted here. The banner picture is courtesy of Jason Heavensrun. You can find more of his stuff at Checkmate Studios.