Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Why the State of the Union address bothers me:

First off, if our ancestors had used the rationale "it's the way things are, what are you going to do?" We'd still be colonies of the British Empire. That is unless the Spanish or the Germans had conquered them by now. Nothing can ever change for the better by using the argument "It's the way things are." If the way things are isn't GOOD, then goddammit, I don't -care- if it's the way things are, the way things are is -wrong-.

You want to know why "the way things are" bothers me? The State of the Union is a show. It's fake. What's worse, it's OBVIOUSLY fake. Consider that for a moment. What possible reason would a group of individuals have to produce such an obviously fake display?

I'm not talking about the president's propositions, or his speech. I'm complaining about the pauses for applause. The President forms a sentence, and the republicans stand up and applaud. The former President Clinton formed a sentence, and the democrats would stand up and applaud. Every single time, it's a standing ovation. Now, Standing ovations are acts of tremendous respect, and while I agree that the leader of the executive branch of our nation, no matter who he is, is deserving of some degree of ceremony and respect, Noone in this country is going to honestly say that every sentence the president forms is worthy of a standing ovation. So what should be a gesture of respect, or at the very least a calculated act of emphasis becomes an utterly empty gesture. Standing up and clapping becomes nothing more then an act of rigmarole, a process of going through the motions. At the very least, it says negative things about the senators and their motivations. At the worst, this extremely patronizing affair is an insult to the intelligence of the entire body of the American people. The president speaks highly of our education system, of the potential of our nation's youth and future, and the senate rocks up and down as if to say "Who's a good America? You're a good America, yes you are! Would you like health care? Who wants clean energy?! I bet you do, don't you?! Now roll over boy! Roll over! That's a good America!"

It offends me. There is very little in the world that bothers me more then being talked down to, but that's exactly what the state of the union address, or rather, the presentation of that address is. It is a testament to the low opinion our government holds over it's own people. They're patronizing you, they're patronizing me, they're patronizing every single American citizen.

You can blame the media, but as I pointed out, the media -apparently- aren't the ones running the cameras in this case. They're just draining the feed through to us. It's the Senate. It's the cabinet. It's everybody in that room, putting on a show as they look down condescendingly at the American people.

The state of the Union address was conceived as a method of direct address between the president and the legislative branch of our government. But the way the senate has co-opted that, and the cameras, as a way of displaying their support or disdain for the President is an insult to the American people and a symptom of the -painful- division that -both- parties are responsible for driving into our nation and our government.

It doesn't -matter- if the democrats did it under Clinton. That doesn't have anything to do with my complaint. If anything, it reinforces the depth and the pain of this schism. This country is divided. Despite all our commonalities, and the relative uniformity of our differences, we are divided neatly in two by two corrupt organizations of career politicians that have seen fit to take their personal grudges and force-feed them into the American subconscious. They use their mutual grips on the largely mindless media to reinforce these mindsets. -That- is the "way things are". -That- is what we face. A nation divided, trained to hate itself by the mindless rhetoric of it's political leadership. And no, I -don't- think that we, as Americans, should roll over and accept that. Even if it's a lost cause, in fact, -especially- if it's a lost cause, I believe that we owe it, to ourselves, and to all the men and women who have given their lives for the sake of an ideal, to throw ourselves against the wall, to tear it down at all cost, because if there is any value at ALL to the nation we claim to love, then it deserves that. It NEEDS that.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

2006 already, huh?

Well, getting initial comments out of the way: It's now 2006, has been for about two weeks, and I'm back in school. Being that it's a new year, I've given long and serious thought to my resolutions, and so here they are for the world to see.

I have been terrible about many things. I have been deficient on carrying out favors and promises to my friends. I haven't spent enough time with my friends, neglecting some of my closest ones for the sake of others. I haven't worked on commissions enough. I haven't spent enough time focusing on my schooling. I have had trouble focusing on work. I also haven't been sleeping enough. So, thus follows my new year's resolution:

I resolve that this year I shall focus all my mental energy into warping the fabric of space-time, so as to lengthen the course of a day to give myself more time to work with.

Barring that, I'm going to try and be better about finishing commissions and trades.

It's another year, and another semester at school. I'm still working part-time while schooling, but I have fewer hours then last year. Unfortunately, four of those hours are Japanese II, and I've got some bad catch-up to do, so while I expect this semester to be lighter then last overall, the first few weeks are going to be rough. Even so, I'm optimistic that I should be able to secure a -bit- more productive time this semester. Also, I intend to draw more regularly.

Drawing is, as some would be quick to point out, rather like a muscle. It atrophies if you don't use it. Last semester, I was completely bogged down in my studies, and couldn't keep up with my art. That made it harder to draw when I did have time, and all in all just bogged me down. I overbooked myself on commissions because I needed cash, and the subsequent backlog paralyzed me.

Over the break, I've been working on getting two things accomplished. Getting a viable workspace (cleaning my room some) and getting my drawing legs back. I feel I've accomplished the latter to some degree, and the former...(looks around) Well, I'm working on it. But I -am- drawing again.

And, to some extent, writing, as well. The past semester of college had me in a philosophy and an English course, so essays were the order of the day. So hopefully I can continue that momentum here in my blog. Barring anything else, I might post some essays here and there when things are slow. ;p

So, in truth, my new years resolution is this: Draw more, and update my site more often. Which, in all honesty, shouldn't be hard. ¬_¬

As far as said updates go, keep an eye on the Original and Original Hentai sections, as well as some updates and corrections to the profile and links pages within the next day or so.

Finally, if I owe you a commission and have not contacted you lately, e-mail me. I'm pretty sure I've got everybody in my queue accounted for, but the holidays were crazy and I'm not what a person might consider "well organized" of late. Reminders are good.

Here's hoping 2006 is a good year!

(Random aside. It amuses me -tremendously- that blogger.com's spellchecker does not recognize the term "blog".)